I was thrilled when my Husband told me he and Christian would be taking me to my most favorite place for Mother's Day! Yes, that's correct the edge of our world and the begining of another, The Ocean! I was gifted with an absolutely gorgeous diamond heart and key pendant and was spoiled by a day by the sea with my three loves, Hector, Christian, and The Pacific!
Oh you beautiful Pacific Ocean ♥ I am genuinely in love with you!

Lil man loves the Ocean just as much as I do! This was a beautiful backdrop. Mother Nature at her finest!

The lil man and I- the reason I am allowed the privilege of Celebrating Mother's Day.

I was so happy when he told me we'd be going for Mother's Day and so we left right after Christian's first t-ball game, Saturday May 8th, the day before Mother's Day. We usually go for just the day and that makes it so much less stressful and I completely absorb the time the three of us spend in the car driving for 2hrs. It's a double-whamey!
The weather forecast noted a high of 58 degrees, and so we excpected it to be a bit on the chillier side with sunshine, but when we got there we rolled the windows down and the car read 66degrees and it was wonderful! Absolutely perfect! As we drove about the windy coastal roads my heart fluttered with wings as I saw that aqua water in the distance! Christian's squeal of excitement was in unison with mine! Luckily, this Momma always packs for two kinds of weather- cold and warm! We drove until we saw our destination and you better believe the Nikon made it out to photograph this special day with my guys!
You'll have to bare with me. I really tried to be selective of the photos to keep it to a minimum, but it was far more difficult than you'd think! lol
Daddy && Bugg

Isn't that winding road in the distance gorgeous?

My beautiful morningstar!

Just the two of us.

I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be.

The man who made me his Mrs.!


Men like him, you just don't find them everyday.

Love this photo.

A ladybug landed right into my Bugg's hand! So sweet.

A little piece of heaven on earth.

And if you'll notice, the earth really is round! lol

Look at that beautiful face I made!

I dream of this.

Bugg did a wonderful job of taking photos!

That's the lil guy I love! Loving the ocean so passionately as his Momma.

Dancing in and with the ocean.



Footprints in the sand.

It takes a special man to come into a woman and childs life and embrace the two as one.

I love him so.

I love him with a heart so full it spills over!

Having a chat with his 1st starfish of the day.

Momma's day complete with our very own happy, dancing starfish!

I am so beyond blessed to have the gift of Motherhood because of the most beautiful, bright, challenging, loving child I know.
I love you, Christian Hayden Ortiz.
I am so blessed to have a husband who makes Motherhood something I get to enjoy, instead of something I am forced to squeeze into my days.
I am thankful for you, Hector Antonio Ortiz.